Here is March's sketch. First, notice there is not square outline around the layout...just pretend there is...my bad...LOL. I plan to use this one as a yearly record. The title is going to be: "2008: the year that changed my life." I will use the different blocks around the circle to record the events of certain months such as the month we got married, and the month we found out we were pregnant with Gunnar and so on. Also the shapes around the circle are just squares and circles but experiment with different shapes such as hearts or stars. I challenge you to do this layout with out photos, instead focus on journaling. See what you can do with it.
A lot has happened in the last few weeks.
1. Gunnar turned 2 months old
2. I got a new job
3. I turned down a new job
4. Gunnar laughed for the first time
5. Alycia and I started a new project that we are really passionate about...and hope works out.
6. I am going back to work
7. I am turning 26 in a few days.
8. We took Gunnar on his first road trip...what an experience that was.
I am amazed at how much Gunnar has changed in these short two months. It really makes me realize how important it is to appreciate and cherish each moment. It is funny how it takes a child to teach you that lesson. When it is just you it really doesn't seem that important. After two months off I am kinda excited to go back to work. It has been amazing staying home with Gunnar but I am ready to go back. Tomorrow is my first day so we will see how I do. I will probably cry for a while but it will be okay. At least Gunnar is staying home with Adam instead of going to a sitter.
Well, enjoy the sketch and I can't wait to see what you will create with it!
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