I am so super excited about the stamps form Technique Tuesday! They are {FabUlOuS}! I also got some of the new crackle distress paints. I can't wait to get my firs assignment.
Here are some pictures from the convention.

Here are some hilarious pictures of the guys at the Rusty Pickle booth. They did the Bunny Hop around the convention center as a contest to introduce their new line White Chocolate Bunnies. It was great fun and the girls had an awesome time.

I also got a glimpse of Ali Edwards as I was sitting down to eat some lunch. She was all the way across the convention center from me followed and talked to by everyone who knew who she was...how could you not know. Anyway...so rather then run up to her and join in the following I just snapped a couple of pictures. This was the best one.
The convention was a lot of fun and I picked up some good product and inspiration! I can't wait to go next year!