I was laying there on the table while he checked my cervix and was wondering why in all the baby books I have bought they never mention that when the doc checks your cervix it hurts like HELL! When I thought about it I realized there are a lot of things that they don't tell you in those books. For instance, they don't tell you that literally your crotch is going to hurt...I mean they tell you your hips hurt from the spreading but not your CROTCH! I guess I should read Jenny McCarthy's(spelling ?) book, maybe she will be more truthful. The normal baby books are vague like they don't want to scare you. What scares me is all the shit that I don't know because they didn't tell me that. A good example...your mucus plug will be a snotty ball of tissue that is white...or yellow...or brown...or red. WHAT THE HELL OTHER COLOR COULD IT BE! Why not throw blue or green in there for gods sake. Can they be a little more specific PLEASE!
I know that I would appreciate it.
I guess I have really made it into the final stages of pregnancy. I am testy, judgemental, and very TRUTHFUL! I was hoping to skip all that and keep my sanity but I am completely engrossed in the emotional pregnancy cloud. Like you can't tell from my babbling. Anyway, I wanted to post the new picture of Gunnar that the lady gave me today. It is a 3D ultrasound photo and you can see his little chin and his BIG lips. He has is fist in his face rubbing one of his eyes so you can only see half of his face but it is still cute. At least I think so! Here it is:
We are so excited for him to get here. I can't wait to hold him...in my arms, not my giant house of a uterus...and kiss his sweet cheeks and lips.