Fist is my latest work for Craftwarehouse. It is my last assignment and they have really come through this time with some bright and fun paper. Hambly...who doesn't' love them? I do want to say sorry though because I was unable to think of something fun and quirky to do with the moustache rubons...I guess my mind wasn't far enough out there for that. Anyway...I was charged with making two layouts, a tag or card, and something of our own choice. I decided to make the two layouts, a tag, and a card. I wanted the projects to be bright and chaotic just like the paper. Here are the pictures. Some of them are a little blurry and the overlays got a little dusty so there you go. I also didn't post a picture of the is just square and green. Not much to see.

I went back to the doctor on Friday and my blood pressure was perfect. 110/62. He asked me what has changed since then and I told him that Adam came home and he said, "well, I don't recommend that he leave again any time soon." I have to go back for my next appointment on Thursday and he will give me another ultrasound to check Gunnar's size because I am now measuring 39 inches. Almost full term. He then said, "if this baby is close to 10 pounds you might want to consider a c-section." I looked at him and said, "that sounds awesome." If Gunnar is ten pounds I don't think I will be able to deliver him vaginally. That is a huge baby.
I have also been really nervous lately because we are getting so close. Every time I feel any type of pain that is new to me...and there is a lot of them...I wonder if it is time or not. Every day I get up and every night I go to bed I wonder if it will be today or tonight. I guess that is normal...I just can't wait for him to get here.
We are almost ready for Christmas. Our living room is about done and we found a really great deal on carpet for the first of the year. I can't wait to have everything put back together again. It is so hard living in a house that you are remodelling. Nothing is clean, and as hard as you try it never will be clean until you are done. Well, we are almost there so I guess that is the best I can ask for now.
awww, adam came home and your blood pressure was okay! haha, that's really sweet! =)
when i read this stuff (about you waiting for gunnar to be born) it makes me want to cry. and i really hate to be all mushy and corny sounding but, really it's the absolute most spectacular and splendid thing in the ENTIRE world. and yet, that description doesn't even begin to do it justice.
anywho, i'm just so happy that i get to watch you make this really wonderful transition into
motherhood. =) i love you (and the pallen and p)!
10 lbs!? holy huge baby batman - do the c-section! :] c-sections used to totally freak me out but having gone through's a piece of cake. you'll be fine :]
btw: his room is SO cute!
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