I didn't take this photo...my sister did...but I wanted to share this photo with you anyway because it is stinking { AdoRaBle }! This is my niece Terrance Claire or Baby T or just T. My sister says she just talks...well jabbers...all the time, is always hungry and if you don't feed her fast enough she grunts at you and beats here little fists on her highchair tray, and she has a strange fetish for chewing on her socks. Alycia says that she crawls around for a while and then stops and pulls one of her socks off puts it in her mouth and crawls around like that for the rest of the day. I cannot wait to go see her this weekend...I miss her a lot!
Of course I am busy with all the last minute details like laundry and trying to remember all the things that I need to pack in the morning because I will have to use them in the morning. That is the one that stresses me out the most! It would be just like me to forget a bunch of stuff.
The volleyball team I am helping to coach has a their last tournament this weekend and I won't be there for it. It is really sad. They are all about 14 and as boy crazy as can be! I was shocked. I don't remember being like that but I am sure I was. They have a lot of talent and potential, I am trying to teach them to control the game mentally and they have been doing very well. I know they will do great this weekend! { GoOd LucK GIrlS ! }