Well...five weeks (on Sunday) and counting. I can't believe it has been that long since Gunnar has been born. I almost can't remember the feeling of being pregnant or even the pain of giving birth and believe me that is not something that I thought I would ever forget. It is almost like a dream...something I thought up in my head and I try to imagine how it would feel. I actually miss it. After being pregnant for nine months it is hard to not be...to not have the belly...to not have him that close to me. Sometimes I look down and expect it to still be there. I know he is here with me everyday and I get to see him grow which is the most fabulous thing I have ever done in my life it is just not the same thing. There is something so special about being pregnant. Now that I have not been for a while I can really appreciate the beauty of it and not just focus on all the annoying little problems like peeing ever five seconds, no sleep, and heartburn that would kill a horse.
Gunnar is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. He has changed so much that he is almost not the same baby. We had some pictures framed the other day and they are awesome. It is amazing how much better a picture looks when it is framed. Anyway, he has gone through this phase where all he wants to do is nurse and then he over eats, throws up because his tummy is upset, then wants to nurse again. It is a hard cycle to deal with. We finally had to just let him cry which is so sad but it worked. He finally settled down and fell asleep. Usually I sleep with a lamp on so that I can see Gunnar's face easily and check if he is breathing...you know typical mom stuff. Last night I turned the light off and Gunnar slept for five hours straight...usually he wakes up every two hours. Maybe it is the light. It felt so good to get five hours of sleep...in a row. I almost feel like a new person. He fell asleep around 12:30 and woke up at 5:30, I fed him and then he fell back asleep around 6:30 and slept for about 2 hours. How sweet. I had forgotten what it was like to get sleep...of any kind. LOL.

Look at how sweet his is. See the scratch on his nose...he is getting a bit more coordinated and does not scratch himself much anymore...except when he is really pissed off and then I think he dose it because it bothers me. We bought him the sweetest Easter outfit yesterday. it is a blue polo onesie with a white sweater vest with dark green, light green, and blue diamonds on the front with like khaki slacks. I can't wait to get him in it and take some pictures. I think it will really make his hair look red...especially if we take them in the sun. Red hair and a sweater vest...could it get any better?