Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Snow and the Fit that Followed!

It has been snowing all day here and finally it stopped this afternoon so I thought that I would take Gun out for just a few minutes to play in it. I was not quite prepared for the snow so he had now waterproof gloves or snow boots but I decided to try it anyway. Well you can imagine how that went...he walked out was super excited and stuck his hands right in the wet snow...not the dry stuff...the wet stuff. So he lasted about five more minutes before he was making faces about his fingers being cold so we came inside in proceeded to throw the biggest fit thus far of his career. It was amazing...frustrating...funny...and adorable!

Guns Favorite Hat...uhhhggg!

As you can see we have entered the stage where Gun now has favorites. His favorite doll, his favorite toys, his favorite shoes, his favorite vacuum, and yes his favorite hat...uhhggg. As you can also tell I am not exactly excited about it! The only thing that could be worse was if he was a girl...LOL!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas Ahoy!

So I am totally gonna try to make my own Christmas Cards this year...ambitious I know. Here is the design for the front. The card is 5 x 7 and the back will have a 4 x 6 piece of cardstock with a nice Christmas phrase  printed on it. My theme is Country Christmas so we are gonna do dark green, deep red, cream, copper, and tan. I am not sure how many I am gonna make yet but we will see if I even get there. Every year I say I am gonna make my own cards and just never get to it. This year I will probably get them made but not get them sent. I will post one as soon as I get it made.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

This was his first REAL dress-up Halloween and he did so great! He was very calm and very polite always saying thank you and sometimes please instead of trick-or-treat. Also while other kids were sticking their hands into the buckets of candy grabbing as much as they could he took his time and picked only one piece of candy and then saying thank you walked away onto the next place. It was so sweet! 

First Layout in....Forever!

This is actually the first layout that I have made since before Gunnar was born. What a sad admission that is! Anyway here it is and I am super proud of it! It lists the five things I remember most about the day Gunnar was born as well as his birth date and weight. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Number One Baby!

22(UO) to 3(UCLA) in the beginning of the second quarter...National Championship here we come!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shoes...Shoes...Shoes Galore!

I am totally in a shoe type mood! Check these lovely ladies out:

These chunky heals are AMAZING! Love the open toe and only $15.99.

These are so major! I totally heart them!

Definitely a necessity this year!

These are super sweet!

These boots are so fabulous! Need me some!

Holiday's Ahoy!

I am super excited because my favorite time of year has just arrived. Cool weather, a warm fire, a good book, and lots of family and food! Who doesn't like the autumn? With all the events closing in on us (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Gun's 2nd birthday, and Christmas) my plate is definitely full not to mention I plan on making my Christmas cards this year, bake day, and homemade Christmas presents! Sheesh...good thing I already have my Christmas cards designed. Now I just need the pictures for the cards.

My brother turned 20 today...holy crap I can't believe my little brother is 20! Probably because he still acts 14 but I think it is definitely runs in the family! I still picture him running around outside barefoot in that fringed leather vest and shorts. What a dork! Wish I had a picture of that...hum...I bet I can did one up...wait till you see this!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ice Cream with Daddy

How sweet is he! It is kinda funny though...he doesn't really like the actual ice cream as much as the cone. In fact he likes it if you eat all the ice cream on top and just leave what is in the cone! My kind of sharing!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Good God!

Lately I have been busy, busy, busy! I have just finally gotten all of Adam and I's stuff rounded up for Financial Aid Verification and Admissions...good god is that a process. First off you are always selected for verification...why do they even say it is random, I have never known anyone that was not selected for verification...and then you have to request official copies of all your transcripts which you can't do have to fill out this form and then pay them anywhere from 5 to 10 dollars! How ridiculous...I paid how much in tuition and you want $5 for transcripts....whatever.
On top of all that I am trying to get ready for this crop that I am throwing on Friday...looks like it might be successful so cross your fingers. Then there is the Sportsman Show at the end of September! I have been trying to get some stuff crossed off my to-do list but I just seem to be adding to it! Guess that's life.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Busy Beginnings

August...already there is a ton of stuff to do this month and Gunnar is not even close to being old enough to think about starting school. The fair starts this week, we have a lot of stuff to get ready before Sumpter, I am hosting a crop on the 20th, and I was hoping to get some canning done this month. I guess it doesn't sound like a lot but it really is. Well, lets hope that I can get it all done! But first I think I will spend some good quality Sunday time on my couch. Love that Sunday flop time.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gerard Butler first of all I want to say I am getting sick and tierd of hearing about Mel Gibson and how crazy he is already...but one good thing did come of all the publicity...I found out that he is making a movie about Vikings and that Leo Decaprio was going to play the lead but backed out due to all the bad publicity Mel is getting. The first thing I thought of when I heard this was nice a Viking movie and..."please...please...please let Gerard Butler play the lead and please...please...please let him be half naked!" As I reflected on this train of thought later I realized how utterly sad it all is...but very, very funny...and then I repeated that quick little prayer. LOL.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Big Love Fanatic

Thank god for Netflix!!!!! I have been watching Big Love Season 1 and I am so I can catch up...NICE!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Am Finally Doing It!

Well, here I go again. I always new that I would go back to school I just didn’t know when and I didn’t think that I would be this nervous about it! I am going back to EOU to finish my Bachelors. I am going to get a Liberal studies degree with dual majors in Chemistry and Biology. NICE! It is going to be awesome…I just hope that I can fall back into the swing of things again. The good thing about it is that I don’t need any more math so I can focus on my majors. I hate math with a passion that is almost obscene. I have applied at EOU and have also got my FAFSA stuff going so hopefully soon I will be able to talk to an advisor and get all my classes picked out. I only have to take 45 credits to graduate so I am going to start off at half time and see how it goes from there. I have to take all upper division Biology and Chemistry to finish so I am not sure if I will be able to handle that full time online. I do have Mr. Huston (my crazy high school chemistry teacher) to help though if I need and I am very thankful for that. I am trying to do so many things right now with Adam’s business, my business, work, school, and Gunnar that I hope I can balance it all. I will just remain positive and remember that the harder you work the better things become, and the more you are rewarded!

On a different note we are going over to Middleton tonight to see Megan, Blake, Hunter, and the babies Heath and Tucker. This is the first time that I have gotten to see them in person so I am really excited about that! They look so adorable online. One definitely looks like Blake and the other Megan…it is funny!

We had a great time on the 4th even though we didn’t make it to the family reunion in Walla-Walla. We took Gunnar to the park to see the petting zoo and all the booths, and then we took him to the parade with he loved…once all the princess in their dresses and crowns came down the road. He is such a ladies man and a flirt that it scares me to think of him as a teenager. Anyway, he had a great time and I have tons of pictures I will share once I have had a chance to go through them.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Movie Madness

Everyone knows that I love and will always love movies. Even the really crappy 60's and 70's adventure movies with ridiculously bad graphics and acting such as The Voyages of Sinbad, Conan the Barbarian, and Red Sonja...all classics. Someone has to appreciate them I guess so why not me. Anyway I am always happy to have a new saga to follow, first it was Lord of the Rings, then Harry Potter and now the Twilight series. It leaves me wondering since Harry Potter is about over and now the Twilight series it about over what will be next? There is always the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean, and the third Transformers movie but I am talking about the epic stories of battle, love, and betrayal. What will be next? Anyway, I went to see the Eclipse movie on Thursday and it was awesome! I think it is my favorite thus far. The acting was much better, the makeup and wardrobe was a billion times better and it was funny. The rivalry between Jacob and Edward is well illustrated and colored with humor. I am so ready for the next one. I also saw the trailer for the new Harry Potter movie and am super excited for that one also. It is going to be epic I know. There is also The Expendables, and The Switch, and Paranormal Activity two (the first one about made me pee my pants I was so scared) coming up and will probably be amazing. Well, I guess that is enough movie talk for now...I sometimes forget that not everyone is obsessed.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wilcox Family Blog

We have a new blog dedicated to the family! Check it out!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lord help us we have entered the tantrum stage!! Honestly I was not quite prepared for it as you always hear about the "terrible two's" and I was under the ridiculous assumption that that term was quite literal and I sill had another 8 moths of that sweet baby that easily goes with the flow. He has now developed a mind of his own (dammit) and has decided that when he wants something he wants it now and he better get it. It is quite an experience to be standing there above your 14 month old watching him fling himself on the ground roll around, kicking and screaming with mixed feelings while others are stopping to stare. On one hand you want to stand him up and beat him for it, on another hand you just want him to stop so that everyone will quit staring, but yet you want to break out in belly laughs at your son's antics. I sit down everyday, look at him and wonder how he will surprise me as he grows far I have not been disappointed. Everyday has definitely been an experience.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Here are a few pictures to catch us up: